Downloads and views - Time Series

Number of downloads and views in the period.

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(eg. 1822/417)

Title : Sinto, logo existo: Educação emocional em contexto de 1º ciclo do ensino básico num território educativo de intervenção prioritária
Entry Date : 21-07-2021
Downloads and viewsExport
Downloads and views per month
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 135.0 57.69
Portugal Portugal 69.0 29.49
Angola Angola 5.0 2.14
Brazil Brazil 5.0 2.14
Latvia Latvia 4.0 1.71
N/A N/A 4.0 1.71
Russian Federation Russian Federation 2.0 0.85
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2.0 0.85
Germany Germany 2.0 0.85
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 1.0 0.43
Argentina Argentina 1.0 0.43
Ireland Ireland 1.0 0.43
Cape Verde Cape Verde 1.0 0.43
Colombia Colombia 1.0 0.43
Lithuania Lithuania 1.0 0.43
234.0 100.00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 246 56.81
N/A N/A 45 10.39
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 34 7.85
Portugal Portugal 25 5.77
Latvia Latvia 20 4.62
Canada Canada 15 3.46
Russian Federation Russian Federation 12 2.77
Ireland Ireland 10 2.31
United Kingdom United Kingdom 8 1.85
Brazil Brazil 5 1.15
Angola Angola 4 0.92
Germany Germany 4 0.92
Ukraine Ukraine 2 0.46
China China 1 0.23
Belgium Belgium 1 0.23
Mongolia Mongolia 1 0.23
433 100.00