Downloads and views - Time Series

Number of downloads and views in the period.

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(eg. 1822/417)

Title : Refletir, criticamente, sobre a construção da profissionalização a partir de uma educação dialógica
Entry Date : 20-05-2013
Title : Refletir, criticamente, sobre a construção da profissionalização a partir de uma educação dialógica
Entry Date : 03-04-2012
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2015 99.0 202
2016 265.0 290
2017 37.0 50
401.0 542
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 1,283.0 61.39
Portugal Portugal 368.0 17.61
Russian Federation Russian Federation 133.0 6.36
China China 113.0 5.41
Brazil Brazil 46.0 2.20
Germany Germany 34.0 1.63
N/A N/A 17.0 0.81
Vietnam Vietnam 16.0 0.77
Sweden Sweden 11.0 0.53
Poland Poland 10.0 0.48
Czech Republic Czech Republic 8.0 0.38
United Kingdom United Kingdom 6.0 0.29
Latvia Latvia 5.0 0.24
Angola Angola 3.0 0.14
France France 3.0 0.14
Ireland Ireland 3.0 0.14
New Zealand New Zealand 3.0 0.14
Spain Spain 3.0 0.14
Italy Italy 3.0 0.14
Panama Panama 2.0 0.10
Mozambique Mozambique 2.0 0.10
Canada Canada 2.0 0.10
Belarus Belarus 2.0 0.10
Serbia Serbia 1.0 0.05
Repositório ESEPF Repositório ESEPF 1.0 0.05
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 1.0 0.05
Ukraine Ukraine 1.0 0.05
Mexico Mexico 1.0 0.05
Australia Australia 1.0 0.05
Indonesia Indonesia 1.0 0.05
Belgium Belgium 1.0 0.05
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 1.0 0.05
Greece Greece 1.0 0.05
Malaysia Malaysia 1.0 0.05
Philippines Philippines 1.0 0.05
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 1.0 0.05
Georgia Georgia 1.0 0.05
2,090.0 100.00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 2,985 62.99
N/A N/A 465 9.81
Germany Germany 362 7.64
China China 138 2.91
Poland Poland 121 2.55
Canada Canada 114 2.41
Ukraine Ukraine 114 2.41
Portugal Portugal 72 1.52
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 61 1.29
France France 59 1.24
Russian Federation Russian Federation 58 1.22
United Kingdom United Kingdom 55 1.16
Sweden Sweden 36 0.76
Latvia Latvia 27 0.57
Brazil Brazil 20 0.42
Ireland Ireland 19 0.40
Italy Italy 5 0.11
Vietnam Vietnam 4 0.08
Netherlands Netherlands 3 0.06
Greece Greece 3 0.06
Repositório ESEPF Repositório ESEPF 2 0.04
Japan Japan 2 0.04
Australia Australia 2 0.04
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 0.04
India India 2 0.04
Mozambique Mozambique 1 0.02
Norway Norway 1 0.02
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 1 0.02
Austria Austria 1 0.02
Israel Israel 1 0.02
Belgium Belgium 1 0.02
Argentina Argentina 1 0.02
Turkey Turkey 1 0.02
4,739 100.00