Downloads and views - Time Series

Number of downloads and views in the period.

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Item Handle
(eg. 1822/417)

Title : Aquisição da linguagem na infância: vocabulário e morfossintaxe dos 16 aos 30 meses
Entry Date : 15-10-2013
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2015 266.0 119
2016 547.0 248
2017 32.0 46
845.0 413
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 2,831.0 50.24
Portugal Portugal 1,269.0 22.52
Brazil Brazil 838.0 14.87
Mozambique Mozambique 172.0 3.05
China China 135.0 2.40
N/A N/A 98.0 1.74
Angola Angola 76.0 1.35
Russian Federation Russian Federation 57.0 1.01
Germany Germany 45.0 0.80
Ukraine Ukraine 8.0 0.14
France France 8.0 0.14
Vietnam Vietnam 7.0 0.12
Spain Spain 6.0 0.11
Czech Republic Czech Republic 6.0 0.11
Poland Poland 5.0 0.09
Latvia Latvia 5.0 0.09
United Kingdom United Kingdom 5.0 0.09
Japan Japan 5.0 0.09
Canada Canada 5.0 0.09
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau 5.0 0.09
Panama Panama 4.0 0.07
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 4.0 0.07
India India 4.0 0.07
Colombia Colombia 3.0 0.05
Norway Norway 3.0 0.05
Repositório ESEPF Repositório ESEPF 3.0 0.05
New Zealand New Zealand 3.0 0.05
Romania Romania 3.0 0.05
Ireland Ireland 2.0 0.04
Sweden Sweden 2.0 0.04
Réunion Réunion 2.0 0.04
Belgium Belgium 2.0 0.04
Cape Verde Cape Verde 2.0 0.04
Mauritania Mauritania 1.0 0.02
Switzerland Switzerland 1.0 0.02
Chile Chile 1.0 0.02
Italy Italy 1.0 0.02
Peru Peru 1.0 0.02
Greece Greece 1.0 0.02
Thailand Thailand 1.0 0.02
Venezuela Venezuela 1.0 0.02
Guatemala Guatemala 1.0 0.02
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 1.0 0.02
Pakistan Pakistan 1.0 0.02
Myanmar [Burma] Myanmar [Burma] 1.0 0.02
5,635.0 100.00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 2,650 58.67
N/A N/A 484 10.72
Germany Germany 346 7.66
Poland Poland 170 3.76
Brazil Brazil 136 3.01
China China 131 2.90
Ukraine Ukraine 115 2.55
Portugal Portugal 106 2.35
Canada Canada 74 1.64
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 69 1.53
France France 62 1.37
Sweden Sweden 35 0.77
Russian Federation Russian Federation 35 0.77
United Kingdom United Kingdom 28 0.62
Latvia Latvia 26 0.58
Ireland Ireland 16 0.35
Vietnam Vietnam 4 0.09
Norway Norway 4 0.09
Italy Italy 4 0.09
Repositório ESEPF Repositório ESEPF 3 0.07
Japan Japan 3 0.07
India India 3 0.07
Argentina Argentina 2 0.04
Australia Australia 2 0.04
Belgium Belgium 2 0.04
Netherlands Netherlands 1 0.02
South Africa South Africa 1 0.02
Angola Angola 1 0.02
Turkey Turkey 1 0.02
Greece Greece 1 0.02
Mozambique Mozambique 1 0.02
Romania Romania 1 0.02
4,517 100.00