Downloads and views - Time Series

Number of downloads and views in the period.

Total Year Month Day

Item Handle
(eg. 1822/417)

Title : A docência enquanto paixão: construção da profissionalidade no 1º e 2º ciclo do ensino básico
Entry Date : 08-11-2013
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2015 36.0 105
2016 175.0 215
2017 18.0 46
229.0 366
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 959.0 64.23
Portugal Portugal 134.0 8.98
Russian Federation Russian Federation 133.0 8.91
China China 101.0 6.76
Brazil Brazil 46.0 3.08
Germany Germany 30.0 2.01
Angola Angola 25.0 1.67
Mozambique Mozambique 13.0 0.87
Vietnam Vietnam 6.0 0.40
Latvia Latvia 6.0 0.40
Poland Poland 6.0 0.40
Ireland Ireland 6.0 0.40
Czech Republic Czech Republic 4.0 0.27
United Kingdom United Kingdom 4.0 0.27
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 3.0 0.20
Indonesia Indonesia 2.0 0.13
Canada Canada 2.0 0.13
New Zealand New Zealand 2.0 0.13
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 1.0 0.07
Spain Spain 1.0 0.07
Netherlands Netherlands 1.0 0.07
Australia Australia 1.0 0.07
Sweden Sweden 1.0 0.07
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 1.0 0.07
Greece Greece 1.0 0.07
Turkey Turkey 1.0 0.07
Thailand Thailand 1.0 0.07
Mauritius Mauritius 1.0 0.07
N/A N/A 1.0 0.07
1,493.0 100.00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 2,523 60.78
N/A N/A 476 11.47
Germany Germany 289 6.96
Poland Poland 177 4.26
China China 118 2.84
Ukraine Ukraine 108 2.60
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 69 1.66
Portugal Portugal 67 1.61
Canada Canada 66 1.59
France France 58 1.40
Russian Federation Russian Federation 43 1.04
United Kingdom United Kingdom 40 0.96
Sweden Sweden 28 0.67
Latvia Latvia 26 0.63
Ireland Ireland 18 0.43
Brazil Brazil 12 0.29
Repositório ESEPF Repositório ESEPF 10 0.24
Vietnam Vietnam 4 0.10
Japan Japan 3 0.07
India India 2 0.05
Netherlands Netherlands 2 0.05
Angola Angola 2 0.05
Greece Greece 2 0.05
Mongolia Mongolia 1 0.02
Switzerland Switzerland 1 0.02
Australia Australia 1 0.02
Argentina Argentina 1 0.02
Italy Italy 1 0.02
Belgium Belgium 1 0.02
Egypt Egypt 1 0.02
Réunion Réunion 1 0.02
4,151 100.00