Downloads and views - Time Series

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Title : Análise da plataforma digital Site da Turma
Entry Date : 20-05-2013
Title : Análise da plataforma digital Site da Turma
Entry Date : 02-08-2012
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2015 58.0 219
2016 230.0 360
2017 21.0 52
309.0 631
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 1,017.0 66.91
Germany Germany 191.0 12.57
China China 115.0 7.57
Portugal Portugal 94.0 6.18
Russian Federation Russian Federation 37.0 2.43
Brazil Brazil 15.0 0.99
United Kingdom United Kingdom 7.0 0.46
Vietnam Vietnam 6.0 0.39
Angola Angola 6.0 0.39
Latvia Latvia 6.0 0.39
Poland Poland 6.0 0.39
France France 4.0 0.26
New Zealand New Zealand 3.0 0.20
N/A N/A 2.0 0.13
Sweden Sweden 2.0 0.13
Ukraine Ukraine 1.0 0.07
Belgium Belgium 1.0 0.07
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 1.0 0.07
Greece Greece 1.0 0.07
India India 1.0 0.07
Japan Japan 1.0 0.07
Netherlands Netherlands 1.0 0.07
Ireland Ireland 1.0 0.07
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe 1.0 0.07
1,520.0 100.00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
United States United States 3,264 61.18
N/A N/A 517 9.69
Germany Germany 495 9.28
China China 259 4.85
Poland Poland 133 2.49
Canada Canada 133 2.49
France France 100 1.87
Portugal Portugal 90 1.69
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 64 1.20
Russian Federation Russian Federation 57 1.07
United Kingdom United Kingdom 50 0.94
Ukraine Ukraine 46 0.86
Latvia Latvia 28 0.52
Brazil Brazil 25 0.47
Sweden Sweden 21 0.39
Ireland Ireland 14 0.26
Japan Japan 5 0.09
Vietnam Vietnam 4 0.07
Australia Australia 4 0.07
Italy Italy 3 0.06
Netherlands Netherlands 3 0.06
Greece Greece 2 0.04
Switzerland Switzerland 2 0.04
Belgium Belgium 1 0.02
Austria Austria 1 0.02
Turkey Turkey 1 0.02
Finland Finland 1 0.02
Romania Romania 1 0.02
Norway Norway 1 0.02
Argentina Argentina 1 0.02
Taiwan Taiwan 1 0.02
Angola Angola 1 0.02
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 1 0.02
Mozambique Mozambique 1 0.02
Repositório ESEPF Repositório ESEPF 1 0.02
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 1 0.02
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe 1 0.02
Curaçao Curaçao 1 0.02
Singapore Singapore 1 0.02
5,335 100.00