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dc.contributor.authorNogueira, Isabel Cláudia-
dc.contributor.authorGonçalves, Daniela-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Cristina Vieira-
dc.identifier.citationGonçalves, D. , Nogueira, I. C. & Silva, C. V.(2016). Inducing Supervision Practices among peers in a Community of Practice. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers 7(2), 108 – 119.pt_PT
dc.description.abstractO processo de Bolonha e a criação do Espaço Europeu de Educação Superior e de Investigação têm-se revelado verdadeiramente desafiantes, quer na dimensão conceptual quer na dimensão da intervenção, sobre novos modelos de aprendizagem e, consequentemente, novas práticas de ensino consonantes. Enquanto docentes de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior responsável pela formação de professores, os modelos de formação destes profissionais merecem-nos, pois, particular reflexão. Consideramos que a formação de professores é um importante período na socialização dos sujeitos, no qual a criticidade inerente ao processo de construção do conhecimento profissional (no sentido de Shulman (1986) – nos domínios do conhecimento do conteúdo, do conhecimento pedagógico e curricular) se deverá assumir como eixo central na construção da sua profissionalidade docente. Apresentando-se como uma organização capaz de conceber, projetar, atuar e refletir, preconizamos um modelo de supervisão que ajude a Escola a problematizar e a projetar o futuro, verdadeiramente ambiciosa, que questione os momentos menos bem conseguidos para conhecer as suas causas, sendo capaz de traçar novas linhas de ação. A partir da constituição de uma Comunidade de Prática, neste texto propomo-nos apresentar alguns instrumentos de suporte à supervisão pedagógica entre pares assim como resultados preliminares obtidos. Estes resultados apontam no sentido de ser fundamental desenvolver e apresentar a indução de novas práticas supervisivas no docente do ES, identificando mecanismos facilitadores/constrangedores da implementação de processos de regulação da atividade de ensino entre pares, beneficiando, em nosso entender, o processo de aprendizagem dos estudantes. Keywords Pedagogical Supervision; Teacher Training; European Higher Education Area; Community of Practices; Research Practicespt_PT
dc.description.abstractAbstract The Bologna process and the creation of the European Higher Education Area have been proving to be a challenge. As teachers trainers in a Higher Education institution, the teacher training models deserve, to us, particular reflection, namely the teaching processes adopted by Higher Education teachers. We believe that teacher training is an important period in the individuals socialization, in which the inherent criticality of the professional knowledge construction process (in the sense of Shulman (1986) – including content, pedagogical and curricular knowledge) should be a central tenet in the construction of teachers professionnality. Presenting itself as an organization capable of conceiving, designing, acting and thinking, we claim for supervision pratices that help school to discuss and plan for the future, truly ambitious, that questions the less well achieved moments to understand their causes, being able to draw new action lines.Thus, having the establishment of a Community of Practice as a starting point, it is our goal with this text to present some of the support tools that are being tested in pedagogical supervision among peers with some preliminary results. We believe these results point towards what it is essential to develop and present the induction of a new pedagogical supervision for Higher Education. By identifying facilitators/constraining mechanisms on the implementation of regulatory processes of educational activity among peers, we aim not only improving the quality of the practices on Higher Education contexts, but also benefiting, from our point of view, the learning process of students in general.Abstract The Bologna process and the creation of the European Higher Education Area have been proving to be a challenge. As teachers trainers in a Higher Education institution, the teacher training models deserve, to us, particular reflection, namely the teaching processes adopted by Higher Education teachers. We believe that teacher training is an important period in the individuals socialization, in which the inherent criticality of the professional knowledge construction process (in the sense of Shulman (1986) – including content, pedagogical and curricular knowledge) should be a central tenet in the construction of teachers professionnality. Presenting itself as an organization capable of conceiving, designing, acting and thinking, we claim for supervision pratices that help school to discuss and plan for the future, truly ambitious, that questions the less well achieved moments to understand their causes, being able to draw new action lines.Thus, having the establishment of a Community of Practice as a starting point, it is our goal with this text to present some of the support tools that are being tested in pedagogical supervision among peers with some preliminary results. We believe these results point towards what it is essential to develop and present the induction of a new pedagogical supervision for Higher Education. By identifying facilitators/constraining mechanisms on the implementation of regulatory processes of educational activity among peers, we aim not only improving the quality of the practices on Higher Education contexts, but also benefiting, from our point of view, the learning process of students in general.Abstract The Bologna process and the creation of the European Higher Education Area have been proving to be a challenge. As teachers trainers in a Higher Education institution, the teacher training models deserve, to us, particular reflection, namely the teaching processes adopted by Higher Education teachers. We believe that teacher training is an important period in the individuals socialization, in which the inherent criticality of the professional knowledge construction process (in the sense of Shulman (1986) – including content, pedagogical and curricular knowledge) should be a central tenet in the construction of teachers professionnality. Presenting itself as an organization capable of conceiving, designing, acting and thinking, we claim for supervision pratices that help school to discuss and plan for the future, truly ambitious, that questions the less well achieved moments to understand their causes, being able to draw new action lines.Thus, having the establishment of a Community of Practice as a starting point, it is our goal with this text to present some of the support tools that are being tested in pedagogical supervision among peers with some preliminary results. We believe these results point towards what it is essential to develop and present the induction of a new pedagogical supervision for Higher Education. By identifying facilitators/constraining mechanisms on the implementation of regulatory processes of educational activity among peers, we aim not only improving the quality of the practices on Higher Education contexts, but also benefiting, from our point of view, the learning process of students in general.pt_PT
dc.subjectSupervisão pedagógicapt_PT
dc.subjectFormação de Professorespt_PT
dc.subjectEspaço Europeu de Educaçãopt_PT
dc.subjectComunidade de Práticaspt_PT
dc.subjectPráticas Investigativaspt_PT
dc.titleInducing Supervision Practices among peers in a Community of Practicept_PT
degois.publication.titleJournal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETTpt_PT
Appears in Collections:Artigo publicado numa revista

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